A Tool to Address Stress, Distress, & Trauma

Feelings of unresolved distress can prevent people from feeling happy, joyful, and content with their life. As a result, they may not be achieving to their true potential in their career. Perhaps their level of stress is interfering with success in their relationships? And they don’t know what to do about it.

The Finding Joy – Trauma Treatment Technique (FJ-TTT) can resolve any kind of distress related to past events, present-day concerns, or even future worries. It may not change the situation, but it can change how you feel about it and and free you up to be the best you can be, as naturally as possible. It is a safe and secure method, quick and easy on both the client and therapist, and tried and true in terms of lasting results.

If you are a counselling psychologist in private practice, we invite you to find out more about how you can become trained in this gentle, but powerful tool.

If you are a client wanting relief, there is hope for you from any one of our certified practitioners! See the Find Help button below or click on our Directory of Providers.

Whether you are a client or professional interested in updating your skills, we invite you to watch the 2-minute video below. Then, please read on if you’d like to know more about stress, trauma, the FJ-TTT and what our clients and practitioners have to say about it. We encourage you to start your path to healing, empowerment, and lasting joy today.

The Impact of Stress and Trauma

Stress &Trauma

Let’s face it. Life has its ups and downs. Unfortunately, for some of us, those ‘downs’ may mean chronic stress from lingering experiences or traumas that interfere with our sense of peace and happiness.

The impact is evident. It may be temporary, occasional, or consistent, subtle, or extreme. Perhaps you avoid driving at night or experience occasional bouts of long-term sadness?

Trauma is not a disruptive event! It is the storing of the distress reaction in our nervous system (including the brain) and muscular system. It is likely that processing and self-care did not happen immediately following the event, but now you can obtain relief through the Finding Joy – Trauma Treatment Technique (FJ-TTT)!

“The FJ-TTT is my first choice in helping to release the effects of life’s challenges and day-to-day traumas and stresses for my clients. I appreciate how well it works in supporting individuals virtually in the comfort and privacy of their own homes. It feels safe for people to work through the effects of triggering experiences in a state of calm and grounded awareness while being guided through the structured protocol. It is remarkable to me how quickly, easily, and effectively the FJ-TTT works.

Clearing the effects of distress and disturbance allows people to use their energy differently, in therapy and in life.” 

Dr. Ilze Matiss, C. Psych. Registered Psychologist

Relief & Joy

If we are breathing, walking, and talking, we are vulnerable to moments of stress, triggered by an imagined or real threatening experience, such as a contagious virus, a burglar, or workplace layoffs. Our survival system then is triggered into the classic fight, flight, or freeze/collapse reaction and we can become chronically distressed.

Stress like this consumes our energy. Energy that could be far better spent on things that bring joy! 

“FJ-TTT training has given me a new strategy to help empower my clients to overcome past traumas and to face upcoming challenges with confidence and strength. I love that it is the client’s own inherent wisdom that creates healing which allows them to appreciate that they are capable of sustaining their own mental wellness going forward. 

It is a lovely way of leading a client to appreciate that they are already whole and wonderful as they are, and that they can find healing and strength from within themselves.”

Maureen Theberge, MA, Registered Psychologist

Our Treatment Technique

It is a step-by-step process of guided awareness with an interactive component that uses the wisdom of the client’s experience to facilitate deep and lasting healing. It is designed to connect with each client’s wholeness – the part of them that is perfect. 

FJ-TTT integrates several powerful tools incorporated into a clear and structured protocol. It is designed for individual administration by a certified practitioner.

Training & Help

If you are a counselling psychologist in private practice…

We invite you to discover how the FJ-TTT:

  • is fast, gentle, and easy to apply
  • facilitates lasting recovery from feelings of distress
  • helps resolve PTSD (Post-traumatic Stress Disorder)

Take a peek at the rest of our website, review comments from clients and practitioners, and check out a few of our videos. If the FJ-TTT appeals to you, we encourage you to click on the Certification Training button below. We welcome a quick chat to help you discover if this technique is right for you.

If you are a client looking for help…

Find Help button below will take you to our Directory of Providers who are Certified FJ-TTT practitioners.

We trust that you will find a therapist that feels right to you.

Get rapid, easy, and lasting help in resolving any kind of distress such as:

  • past events like hurt or betrayals
  • present-day concerns about health, finances or relationships
  • future worries about anything….

“Our 15 years of evidence-informed, internal, retrospective research shows that within a couple of sessions, clients experience significant and lasting relief from suffering. “