People are suffering with worry, exhaustion, and grief over losses. The Finding Joy-Trauma Treatment Technique™ (FJ-TTT) can help provide relief. FJ-TTT combines several powerful tools incorporated into a clear and structured protocol. It allows people to address concerns related to past memories, present concerns, and/or even future worries. These concerns can include PTSD (Post-traumatic Stress Disorder), anxiety, and depression. In fact, any distress or trauma can be targeted and resolved.
In 2007, I began working with Dr. Richard Miller, a psychologist from, to create the unique blend of modalities which resulted in the foundation for the FJ-TTT. I am grateful for his help in developing the initial prototype. Within a few years and with his blessing, I began to work independently refining the FJ-TTT with ongoing feedback from clients and practitioners. Today, my team and I love the results of the Finding Joy-Trauma Treatment Technique, and want to make it available to the many people who can benefit from it.
What is the FJ-TTT?
The FJ-TTT is a technique that can resolve any kind of distress related to past events, present day concerns, or even future worries. It won’t change the situation, but the calmess around it lasts and allows for increased clarity of thinking and therefore, better problem-solving. We are not trying to change people at the core of who they are. We only want to help people resolve their distress. It is designed for individual (not group) administration.
The FJ-TTT is not talk therapy. The client and practitioner do talk in terms of guiding the client through a systematic step-by-step process. The way we do this, bypasses the mind’s censoring, analyzing, and judging that can impede healing. Deirdre Hade, poet and author of The (not so) Little Book of Surprises, says when a healing method can bypass the mind, it can go fast. This is our experience when processing with the FJ-TTT.
The FJ-TT Process
The practitioner needs to visually see the client, hear the client, and record what the client reports. However, the FJ-TTT session can happen online as well as in person. Either way, the experience can be rich, satisfying, and effective. And the healing lasts!
The session begins by identifying several target issues and a Freeze Frame that represents the most painful part of the issue. Once we have this, we are able to rate the current level of distress . and measure progress.
When we are ready to begin the healing process, we do an in-depth body scan. Next, we focus on the client’s breath for a few moments. The client is then asked while considering the Freeze Frame previously identified, “What is a negative thought, word, or emotion, associated with that for you now?” Then we ask, “Where do you feel that in your body?”
Next we say, “While really feeling that negative thought, word, or emotion in that place in your body, just allow a symbol, image, or physical sensation to emerge that represents that negative thought, word, or emotion.” In this way, we continue to gently lead the client through the five energetic layers or Koshas of the body. The client controls all the content that emerges from their various layers of consciousness. This process continues until the client experiences resolution and is no longer distressed by their targeted issue.
One of the unique features of the FJ-TTT is the use of “bilocal stimulation”. This is where the client alternates their awareness between two locations inside their body. This is a significant piece of the healing process. It is similar to what may happen during REM (Rapid Eye Movement) or dream sleep.
We use the upper forehead at the hairline as the Place of Awareness (POA), sometimes referred to as the witness or the observer. The client moves their awareness back and forth at their own pace from the POA to whatever symbols, images, or physical sensations naturally emerge for them. We also work with opposites.
During the guided awareness, we ask people to be mindful of their internal experience and to report what they notice. When the healing process is complete, we take time to debrief and give space for clients to discuss their experience. At that point, they may wish to analyze what emerged for them and to share their insights. Transformation of internal experiences produces relief that is lasting.
Independent Use of the FJ-TTT
People can apply The Finding Joy-Trauma Treatment Technique™ by themselves. Even though this is possible, most clients prefer to have a practitioner lead them through the 12-step process. I use it myself in addressing issues that arise; ad find that I can complete all the steps in 15 minutes or less. My wish is that people will learn to use it as a tool that they can easily access. This way, they can meet, greet, and deal with any distress as it arises.
The Finding Joy-Trauma Treatment Technique™is extremely fast, effective, comfortable and affordable. Our follow-up research has shown that clients’ targeted issues remain resolved. What is fantastic is that we have had clients whose PTSD (Post-traumatic Stress Disorder) resolved in two sessions. Some with complex PDSD require more sessions. Some people with minor issues can be done in a single session. That is especially exciting for our clients! Even our FJ-TTT trainees achieve significant results from the beginning with their practice clients.
Please contact us if you would like to learn more.
By Dr. Teeya Scholten, Finding Joy – Trauma Treatment Technique™ Founder and Director of Training, Research, and Development.